Houses are becoming more airtight as we try to make our homes more energy efficient. Without a good source of fresh air in your home, condensation and mould problems start to arise. Condensation is the most common form of dampness with 1 in 5 homes in Ireland affected.
A home suffering from poor ventilation will be vulnerable to mould problems. The usual suspect for the cause of mould within your home is prolonged condensation. Continuous condensation problems are usually accompanied by black mould.
The effect of not having good indoor air quality in the home is dramatic. The average person spends 90% of their time indoors and 70% of this time is spent in their own home. The indoor living environment is therefore crucial to the health of the occupants.
High levels of humidity are the perfect breeding ground for dust mites, which is one of the main triggers in aggravating asthma symptoms. Dust mites can also cause eczema, other dust mite allergy symptoms include watering eyes, itching, sneezing and a runny nose!
The modern home has become increasingly energy conscious. In order to save energy we have blocked chimneys, insulated, draught proofed, double glazed and progressively sealed our homes from an essential supply of fresh air.
This may save energy and make our homes more comfortable, however we pay the penalty by living in and breathing in this stale, contaminated, humid air for 70% of the time. That is why our homes are making us ill.
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